30 March 2007

House of Small Statues, Part Two

A man of mortar and brick, and another denizen of the House of Small Statues. Looks like he'll survive the next earthquake, never notice it, just continue to guard his corner of the yard. His tile cap bill is a nice touch. Is he actually the gardener?

The House of Small Statues

There's a house with a yard full of figurines hiding on a crooked street in Madrona, very near a pocket park inhabited by a multitude of plum trees. Little stone men, cats, crocodiles, baseball players and devils. Wood, stone, brick and what appear to be colored machine cogs of some sort. It's a lovely hidden spot populated by protector spirits, all hand-made. This one is a favorite-- the river-stone doorway guardian, carefully constructed, a dependable sentinal. The house and garage are also decorated, and I'll be posting more images here soon.

29 March 2007


The rumors are true, there's a Knitta piece in Ballard right in front of the guitar shop on B'lard Ave. Looks like its (ahem) cut from the same cloth as the Capitol Hill piece... or at least knit from the same yarn. Have not seen nor heard of any new pieces recently, so perhaps the local knitta cell has gone back into sleeper mode, napping and knitting, waiting to strike again...

25 March 2007

Water Bells

Reversed-cloche water spout design. A definite improvement on the alternative 'chain' type downspout, these look like they would actually be musical in a downpour. Houses are not normally a part of 'street art'... but I think these are an exception since they are so unique. The house is on 16th, just north of Madison a few blocks. Looks like a nice place.

21 March 2007

Alley Monster

Here's a speed trap you really don't want to get caught in. On the south side of the T.T. Minor playfield, you'll get a jolt if this critter jumps on your hood for going too fast.
This red monster is done in a fantastic teddy-bear style... I wish I could tell you who the artist is. It looks commissioned to me. It's in a great location though. Any sort of grey concrete is ideal for art like this, but especially near an elementary school. Encore!

14 March 2007

Under Bridge Heads

Found under Seneca Street as viewed from Post Alley. It's a mostly concrete location, out of the rain. Cars, food, officespaces. Two heads. Although one huge head covering all the grey might have been better, they feel unresolved with the lower half of their canvas only city grey, punctuated by four industrial dots. Bodyless, virtual ; knowledge workers, telecommuters... with hundreds of real commuters flowing off the Viaduct just a few feet overhead.

05 March 2007

Bike Nerds Unite

Over at Bikenerd, our compatriot has posted some photos of stickers he found attached to signs recently. Sez he: "Whoever put these giant stickers along the bicycle path to West Seattle deserves a grant."

Nice stuff indeed. See the rest here.